PARK Kyung-man | |
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The Hankyoreh
한겨레신문 수도권팀 Seior Reporter 선임기자
Currently a senior staff writer for the Hankyoreh, Park Kyung-man joined the company in 1993 and has served as the head of its editing team. This year marked his eighth as correspondent for the north Gyeonggi Province region as part of the greater Seoul news team. A resident of Goyang in Gyeonggi Province for over 20 years, Park has been interested in and reported on potential peaceful uses for the Han and Imjin River estuaries (waters shared by South and North Korea), as well as issues related to life, the environment, and unification. A graduate of the Sogang University Graduate School of Mass Communication, he taught courses in newspaper editing and local coverage for over ten years in the Department of Communications at Sogang University. He has been awarded the Journalists’ Association of Korea Prize for his coverage of the alleged murder of democracy activist Chang Chun-ha, by the Park Chung-hee military dictatorship.
<BR><BR>박경만(朴景萬·55) 한겨레신문 선임기자는 1993년 한겨레신문에 입사해 편집팀장을 거쳐 올해로 8년째 수도권팀에서 경기도 북부권역 취재를 맡고 있는 저널리스트이다. 경기도 고양시에서 20년 이상 살고 있는 박 선임기자는 남북 공유하천인 한강하구와 임진강의 평화적 활용방안과 생명, 환경, 통일 분야에 관심을 갖고 꾸준히 보도해왔다. 서강대학교 언론대학원을 졸업하고 서강대 신문방송학과에 10년 넘게 신문편집·현장취재실습 등을 강의했으며, 장준하 선생 타살 의혹 보도로 한국기자협회상을 수상하기도 했다. |