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Atsushi Seike
May 20-22, 2015

Haevichi Hotel & Resort Jeju
Professor Atsushi Seike became the President of Keio University in 2009. He received his Ph.D. in Labor Economics from Keio University and became Associate Professor at Keio’s Faculty of Business and Commerce in 1985, Professor in 1992, and Dean from 2007-2009. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Economics, University of California, and Consultant at the RAND Corporation. A labor economist, he has authored many books in Japanese including Beyond the Lifetime Employment (1998) Labor Economics (2002), Towards an Age-free Society (2006), and his most recent, Revitalizing the Employment System (2013). Academic prizes include the 48th Nikkei Prize for Excellent Books in Economic Science (2005). Currently a member of the Global University Leaders Forum (GULF) and Global Agenda Council on Ageing (both World Economic Forum), he has also served as President of the Japan Association of Private Universities and Colleges since March 2011. Roles in government committees include Chairman of the Council for the Promotion of Social Security System Reform, Chairman of the Manufacturing Industry Committee of the Industrial Structure Council, and Honorary President of the Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office (all Japanese Government). He holds the Honorary Degree of Doctor from Ecole Centrale de Nantes.