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KIM Changse
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Innovative Industry Bureau
제주특별자치도 혁신산업국
Director-General 국장
김창세 혁신산업국장은 1989년 공직에 입문하여, 조직관리팀장, 시설관리공단설립준비단장, 교통정책과장, 국회사무처 근무 등 다양한 분야에서 활동해왔다. 2022년 9월부터는 혁신산업국장으로서 미래성장과, 에너지산업과, 미래모빌리티과, 정보정책과를 총괄하고 있다. 제주특별자도의 디지털 경제 전환을 선도하는 혁신산업국은 제주도의 신성장 전략사업인 수소경제와, 미래에너지, 도심항공교통(UAM), 우주산업 등을 중점 육성하기 위해 노력하고 있다.

Kim Chang-se, director-General of the Innovative Industry Bureau, joined the public service in 1989 and has worked in various fields, including as team leader of the Organization Management Team, director of the Preparatory Group for the Establishment of the Facility Management Corporation, director of the Transportation Policy Division, and at the National Assembly Office.

Since September 2022, he has been in charge of the Future Growth Division, Energy Industry Division, Future Mobility Division, and Information Policy Division. Leading the transformation of the digital economy in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, the Innovation Industry Bureau is working to foster Jeju's new growth strategic projects, including the hydrogen economy, future energy, urban air mobility (UAM), and space industry.