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PARK Ihnhwi
Ewha Womans University
Professor 교수
박인휘 교수는 현재 이화여대 국제학부 교수로 재직중이다. 주요 연구분야는 국제안보, 동북아국제관계, 한미관계, 남북관계 등이다. 제 67대 한국국제정치학회 회장 및 한국사회과학협의회 회원으로 활동중이다. 현재 통일미래기획위원회 위원이고, 청와대 국가안보실 자문위원(2017년~2019), 통일준비위원회 외교안보분과 전문위원(2014년~2017)을 역임했고, 국방부, 외교부, 통일부 등에서 정책자문위원(2011년~2020년)으로 활동한 바 있다. 민화협, 한반도평화만들기, 안민정책포럼, 중앙일보 리셋코리아 등과 같은 NGO 및 싱크탱크에도 적극적으로 참여하고 있다. The Koreas between China and Japan(Cambridge, 2014)에 북챕터를 포함하여 Korea Journal of Defense Analysis, Global Economic Review와 같은 리딩 저널에 다수의 논문을 발표한 바 있다. 최근의 대표적인 연구로는 “한국형 발전모델의 대외관계사(편저, 2018)”가 있다. 1999년 미국 노스웨스턴대학교에서 정치학 박사를 수여했다.

PARK Ihn-hwi is a professor of the Division of International Studies at Ewha Womans University in Korea. Prof. Park is the President of the Korea Association of International Studies which is the largest academic society in the area of international relations, security studies, foreign policy, and regional studies in Korea. He also serves as a member of the Korea Social Science Research Council. He has been a member of the Advisory Committee of the Office of National Security between 2017 and 2019, and a member of the Preparatory Committee for Unification in which the Chairperson of the committee was the president of Korea between 2014 and 2017. He is actively engaged in many NGOs and Think-tanks such as the Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation, the Korea Peace Foundation, The Ahnmin Institute for Public Policy, etc. He was a visiting scholar at the Jackson School of International Studies of the University of Washington in 2010. Prof. Park has written many book chapters and articles including The Koreas between China and Japan(Cambridge, 2014), International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, Korea Journal of Defense Analysis, the Korean Journal of International Studies, Global Economic Review, and etc. He received his Ph. D. in the area of international politics from Northwestern University in 1999.