KIM Gunn | |
Office of Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs, MOFA
외교부 한반도평화교섭본부 Special Representative 한반도평화교섭본부장
김건 한반도평화교섭본부장은 북핵외교와 한반도 평화 이슈에 정통한 베테랑 외교관이다. 1989년 입부(외무고시 23기)한 뒤 북핵협상과장(2007-2008)과 북핵 차석대표인 북핵외교기획단장(2015-2016)을 역임했다. 주미대사관과 주중대사관에서 모두 서기관으로 근무했고, 북미국 심의관(2013-2015)을 지내는 등 북핵외교 핵심 상대국인 미국, 중국 관련 근무 경험도 갖췄다. 또한 주벤쿠버 총영사(2016-2018), 국제안보대사 겸 장관특별보좌관(2018-2019), 차관보(2019-2021) 등을 거쳐 주영국대사 (2021-2022)를 역임하였다. 2012년에는 대통령 표창을 수상한 바 있다.
Special Representative Kim Gunn is a veteran diplomat who is well versed in North Korean nuclear affairs and the Korean Peninsula peace issue. Since joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1989, he served as the Director for North Korean Nuclear Negotiation Division (2007-2008) and the Director-General for North Korean Nuclear Affairs (2015-2016), which is the deputy representative for North Korean nuclear affairs. He was also posted as a Secretary at both the US and Chinese embassies, and served as a Deputy Director-General for North American Affairs Bureau (2013-2015), gaining experience in working with the US and China, which are key partners in North Korean nuclear affairs. Furthermore, he was appointed as Consul-General at the Korean Consulate General in Vancouver, Canada (2016-2018), Ambassador for International Security Affairs and Special Advisor to the Minister (2018-2019), Deputy Minister for Political Affairs (2019-2021), and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Permanent Mission to the International Maritime Organization (2021-2022). During his service, he was awarded a Presidential Citation (2012). |