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LEE Soohoon
Korea Institute for Defense Analyses
Associate Research Fellow 선임연구원
이수훈 박사는 한국국방연구원 안보전략연구센터의 선임연구원이다. 미국 리하이 대학교(Lehigh University) 국제관계학과를 졸업하고 고려대학교 경영전문대학원에서 글로벌 경영학 석사, 동 대학 국제대학원에서 미국 신보수주의 외교정책을 분석하는 연구(Is Neoconservatism Dead? Evolution of Neoconservatism as an Intellectual Ideology)로 국제관계학 박사학위를 받았다. 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 연구교수와 국제학부 GKS연구교수를 거쳐 현재 한국국방연구원에서 미국 외교·안보정책, 한미동맹, 한미일 안보협력을 연구하고 있다. 저서와 논문으로는 「트럼프 행정부의 대중정책 연구: 안보·국방 분야를 중심으로」 (2020), 「바이든 행정부의 아태지역 안보·국방 정책: 국제정치이론의 적용」 (2022), 「트럼프 이후의 중간선거: 정당양극화와 미국의 분열(공저)」 (2020), 「미국 국내정치와 외교정책(공저)」 (2020), 「American Presidential Elections in a Comparative Perspective(공저)」 (2019), 「The Oxford Handbook of South Korean Politics(공저)」 (2022), 「President Bush’s Foreign Policy Decision Making after the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks」 (2021), 「The Taiwan Strait and the ROK-U.S. Alliance」 (2023) 등이 있다.

Dr. Alex Soohoon LEE is an associate research fellow at Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA). Prior to his current position at KIDA, Dr. Lee was a Global Korean Studies (GKS) research professor at the Division of International Studies, Korea University. His research interests have been focused primarily on the issues of international security, the ROK-US alliance, the US foreign and security policy, and ROK-US-Japan trilateral security cooperation. Dr. Lee recently authored and co-authored 「The Taiwan Strait and the ROK-U.S. Alliance,」 (The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 2023), Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Security and Defense Policy (KIDA Press, 2022), 「Security and Defence Policy」 in The Oxford Handbook of South Korean Politics (Oxford University Press, 2022), 「President Bush’s Foreign Policy Decision Making after the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks」 (The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 2021), and 「South Korea and the 2016 US Presidential Elections: A Security-Trade Nexus Redefined?」 in American Presidential Elections in a Comparative Perspective: The World is Watching (Lexington Books, 2019). Dr. Lee holds a B.A. in International Relations and Asian Studies from Lehigh University, PA, received a Global M.B.A. from Business School and a Ph.D. in International Relations from the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) of Korea University.