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LEE Younghyun
SDSN Youth Korea
SDSN Youth Korea
SDG Facilitator 책임 퍼실리테이터
이영현은 UN의 지속가능발전목표 및 국제개발협력을 중점으로 활동 중인 청년 활동가로, SDSN Youth Korea의 책임 퍼실리테이터로서 지속가능발전을 위한 청년들의 협력 증진에 힘쓰고 있다. 2001년 제주 출생으로 현재 연세대학교에서 지속개발협력학 및 경제학을 전공하고 있으며, 지속가능발전 및 국제개발협력 분야에서 다양한 경험을 쌓으며 국제개발협력 전문가로서의 진로를 준비 중에 있다. 지속가능발전목표의 5P(People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership)에 고루 관심을 갖고 활동 중이지만, SDSN Youth Korea를 비롯하여 한중일협력사무국(TCS)의 청년대사로서 활동하며 지속가능발전을 위한 청년들의 결집에 특히 많은 노력을 기울여왔다.

Younghyun Lee is a youth activist pursuing UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and global cooperation. Currently working as a SDG Facilitator in SDSN Youth Korea, Lee strives to bring together other youth in the field of sustainable development and facilitate connection and cooperation among them. She is currently doing an undergraduate course for Sustainable Development and Cooperation and Economics in Yonsei University, gaining professional insight to the field of development cooperation.

Lee has participated in various youth movements with broad interest in all 5 Ps of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – that is: people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. Yet she especially focuses on promoting the role of youth in sustainable development – with experiences from Trilateral Cooperation Secretariats(TCS) young ambassadors program alongside SDSN Youth Korea. She stresses the importance of youth in reaching Sustainable Development Goals and aims to promote their activities.