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SONG Sang-sub
Jeju Tourism Society
Chairman 학회장
송상섭학회장은 제주토박이로 경기대학교에서 관광학 박사학위를 취득하였으며, 제주대학교 겸임교수와 제주관광학회장을 맡아 인재양성과 지역 관광연구를 주도하고 있다.
또한, 한림공원 대표이사, 제주상공회의소 상임의원, 제주도관광협회 이사로 활동하면서 관광과 경제분야의 최일선에서 지역경제 발전을 도모하고 있다.
제주관광공사 ESG 경영자문위원장, 법무복지공단 운영위원, 제주메세나협회 이사, 제주한일친선협회 이사, 재암문화재단 이사 등 제주지역사회 단체 활동을 통하여 기업의 사회적 역할과 지역 문화예술의 발전, 국제교류협력을 위해 노력하고 있다.
관심분야는 문화관광, 명소마케팅, 내발적 지역관광개발, 지역주민참여, 관광영향, 치유관광 등이며, 2022년에는 국제교류협력 증진에 대한 공적을 인정받아 외교부장관 표창을 수상했다.

Chairman Song Sang-sub is a native of Jeju and obtained a Ph. D in tourism from Kyonggi University. He currently serves as an adjunct professor at Jeju National University and also as the chairman of Jeju Tourism Society, leading the way in developing local tourism industry and nurturing talents.
In addition, he is actively involved as the CEO of Hallimpark and as a standing member of the Jeju Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as a director of Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Tourism Association, striving for the development of the local economy at the forefront of the tourism and economic sector
He is also serving as the chairman of the ESG management advisory committee of Jeju Tourism Organization, as an operating committee member of Korea Rehabilitation Agency, a director of Jeju Mecenat Association, a director of Jeju-Korea-Japan Friendship Association, and a director of Jaeam Cultural Foundation, actively working towards the social responsibility of companies, the development of local culture and arts, and international exchange and cooperation through his involvement in various community organizations in Jeju.
Areas of interest include cultural tourism, attraction marketing, internal local tourism development, local residents' participation, tourism impact, and healing tourism. In 2022, he was awarded the Minister of Foreign Affairs' commendation for his work in promoting international exchange and cooperation.