KIM Ki-Chan | |
President University, Indonesia/The Catholic University of Korea
인도네시아 프레지던트대학교/가톨릭대학교 VIce-President/Professor 부총장/교수
김기찬교수는 가톨릭대학교 경영학부 교수/ 인도네시아 프레지던트 대학교 국제부총장(International Chancellor)으로 재직하고 있다. 세계중소기업학회 회장(ICSB )의 차기 의장이며, 조지워싱턴대 Distinguished Professor (Global Faculty), 세계중소기업학회 회장(ICSB)과 한국중소기업학회 회장, 아시아중소기업학회(ACSB) 회장, 유엔글로벌콤팩트 한국협회 이사를 역임하였다. 서울대학교에서 경영학 박사학위를 받았으며, 동경대학교 경제학부 객원연구원과 MIT 방문연구원, 대통령 국민경제자문회의 혁신분과 의장을 역임하였다. 현대모비스 사외이사, 신남방정책 민간자문위원, 킨텍스, 홈앤쇼핑 사외이사, 현대자동차,삼성전자, 포스코에너지 자문교수를 역임하고, 윤경포럼 공동대표,Journal of Small Business Management의 Associate editor 로 활동하였으며, 한국경영학회 최우수논문상수상(2005) , 매일경제신문 논문대상, 근조포장수상(2012),한국경영학회 60주년 최우수 논문상(2016) , ICSB World Conference Best Paper Award(2018) 등을 수상하였으며 「매경이코노미」에서 조사한 ‘한국의 경영대가’에 선정되었다.
Ki Chan Kim is a professor of business school at the Catholic University of Korea, International Chancellor, President University, Incoming Chairman, International Council for Small Business(ICSB), Member of the Planning and Evaluation Committee, The National Research Council for Economics, Humanities, and Social Sciences(NRC), Chairman, Korea Testing Certification,Fellow, Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation, Advisor of New Southern Policy, Republic of Korea and past chairman of the Innovation-driven Economy Division, the National Economic Advisory Council(NEAC) to President in Korea. He got a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Seoul National University and researched as a visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo, Harvard University and MIT, and a Distinguished Professor at George Washington University. He also served as board member, advisory member at Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Mobis, and the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business. He was president at Korea Association of Small Business Studies, Korea Automobile Industry Association, Asia Council of Small Business(ACSB), and International Council of Small Business (ICSB). He received numerous awards including the Best Paper Award of the Korea Management Association and the Maekyung Paper Award of the Maeil Business Newspaper, 62th ICSB World Conference Best Paper Award (2017). |