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Saroj DASH
Concern Worldwide
Director 부장
사로지 다쉬는 기후변화와 분쟁을 중심으로 30년동안 인도주의 분야에서 일해왔다. 현재 컨선월드와이드 한국지부 국제사업부 부장으로 재직 중이다. 이전에는 북한 담당 총괄 디렉터로 일하기도 하였다. 이전에는 방글라데시, 네팔 등에서 기후변화와 관련한 다국적 이니셔티브를 발의했을 뿐 아니라, 벵골 지역 지역공동체 회복을 위한 포럼을 주재하기도 하였다. 현재 아시아 남아시아 및 동남아시아 청년 리더 및 국회의원을 대상으로 한 기아 및 기후변화에 관한 다양한 종류의 정책 캠패인을 주도해오고 있다. 이외에도 ASEAN, APMCDRR, COP 등 여러 국제기구와 지역기구 포럼에 관여하고 있다.

Mr. Saroj Dash has been working in the humanitarian field, specializing on climate change and conflict for more than 30 years. He is currently working as the Head of the International Programme in Concern Worldwide Korea. Mr Dash has previously worked as the Country Director in DPR Korea for an extensive five-year period. He was the last international humanitarian country representative to leave the country in March 2021. Prior to this, he worked in Bangladesh and Nepal as the Regional Coordinator for Concern Worldwide, leading multi-country initiatives on Climate Change and facilitating a forum on Community Resilience in the Bay of Bengal region. Mr Dash has been engaged with a wide range of policy campaigns on hunger and climate issues targeting youth leaders and members of parliament across South and South-East Asia. Mr Dash has been involved in various global and regional policy forums, such as ASEAN, APMCDRR, and COP. Before joining Concern, Mr Dash led programmes in India, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam for over 15 years. In 2015, Mr. Dash was nominated as the LEAD (Leadership in Environment and Development) Ambassador for India, as an alumnus and fellow of LEAD International.