YANG Keun-Yul | |
Korea Railroad Research Institute
한국철도기술연구원 Vice President 부원장
Dr. YANG has joined KRRI in 2001 as a senior researcher on railway policy and undertook Green Transport and Logistics Institute as General Director before he took office as vice president second time in 2015 (He assumed vice president of KRRI between 2004-2008 first time). He has been playing a crucial role in Korea’s railway reforms and its development by providing his expertise and insights since working with the Ministry of Planning and Budget, Korea National Railroad and the Korea Transport Institute based on his extensive research on railway transportation policy and technology.
He serves as a member of Working Group for National Commission for the Transportation Policy & Coordination and Committee of Science & Technology for Land & Transportation. He was also a member of Advisory Board for Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport ; the Expert Group for the Earth and Nature in Presidential Commission for Sustainable development ; the Commission for the environmental effects evaluation of major infrastructure projects under the Ministry of Construction and Transportation. <BR><BR>양근율(梁 根律, 58) 철도연 부원장은 철도 및 대중교통 시스템의 정책 및 계획 수립 전문가이다. 한국교통연구원, 철도청, 기획예산처 등에서 경부고속철도 건설 계획 수립 및 운영 준비와 철도산업의 구조개혁 업무 등을 수행하였으며, 2004년부터 철도연에서 철도 및 대중교통시스템의 기술개발 및 실용화를 총괄해 왔다. 현재 국토교통부 ‘국툐교통과학기술위원회’ 및 ‘국가교통정책조정실무위원회’ 위원 등으로 활동 중이며, 대통령자문 지속가능발전위원회 ‘국토, 자연 전문위원회’ 위원을 역임하였다. 서울대학교 공과대학을 졸업하였으며, 프랑스 국립건설교통대학교(ENPC)에서 교통학 석·박사 학위를 받았다. |