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LEE Seungjoo
Chung-Ang University
Professor 교수
이승주 교수는 현재 중앙대 정치국제학과 교수이며, 싱가포르국립대(National University of Singapore) 정치학과 교수를 역임했다. 현재 동아시아연구원(East Asia Institute) 무역기술변화연구센터의 센터장이며, 한국국제정치학회 이사, 한국정치학회 이사, 외교부 경제안보외교자문위원회 위원으로 활동하고 있다. 저서 및 편저서로는 Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy: Between Power and Network, Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific, 「사이버 공간의 국제정치 경제」 , 「일대일로의 국제정치」 , 「미중 경쟁과 디지털 글로벌 거버넌스」 등이 있다. 이외에 “기술과 국제정치: 기술 패권경쟁시대의 한국의 전략,” “세계 경제의 네트워크화와 미중 전략 경쟁: 복합 지경학의 부상,” “경제・안보 넥서스(nexus)와 미중 전략 경쟁의 진화,” “디지털 무역 질서의 국제정치경제,” “Institutional Balancing and the Politics of Mega FTAs in East Asia,” “불확실성 시대의 국제정치경제: 자유주의 국제질서의 위기?” 등 다수의 논문을 발표하였다. 미국 캘리포니아 버클리대학교(University of California at Berkeley)에서 정치학박사를 취득했다.

Seungjoo LEE is professor of political science and international relations at Chung-Ang University (Seoul, Korea) and the Chair of Trade, Technology, and Transformation Research Center at East Asia Institute. He currently serves as a member of the Advisory Committee on Economic Security and Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Seungjoo has previously taught at the National University of Singapore and Yonsei University. He has also held various positions in academic associations in Korea such as the Korean Association of International Studies and the Korean Political Science Association. He is the co-author of The Political Economy of Change and Continuity in Korea: Twenty Years after the Crisis. He also edited, among other works, Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy, International Political Economy in Cyberspace, International Politics of Belt and Road, and Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific. His publications appeared in various journals such as Comparative Political Studies, The Pacific Review, Asian Survey, Natural Hazards Review, Asian Journal of Peacebuiling, and Korean Political Science Review. His current research focuses on the economy-security nexus, economic statecraft, the U.S.-China technology competition, and global digital governance. He received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of California at Berkeley.