SONG Woong-Yeob | |
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Chosun University
조선대학교 Visiting Professor 객원교수
송웅엽 대사는 외교부에서 아프리카∙중동국 국장, 국회의장실 외교특임대사, 주아프가니스탄 대사, 주이란 대사, 주이라크 대사로 근무한 후, 한국국제협력단 상임이사를 역임하였으며, 현재 조선대학교 글로벌인문대학 객원교수로 재직하고 있다. 정부, 대학 및 단체에서 주관하는 다양한 행사에 중동문제와 개발협력 관련 연사로 참여하였고, 주요 언론에 중동 관련 칼럼을 게재하였다.
H.E. Song Woong-Yeob is a visiting professor at Global Humanities College of Chosun University. Ambassador Song has filled various government posts such as Director-General for African and Middle Eastern Affairs at the Foreign Ministry, advisor to the Speaker of National Assembly for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran and Ambassador to the Republic of Iraq. After retirement from the Foreign Ministry, he has served as Vice President of Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA). He has participated in diverse events hosted by government, universities and private organizations as a speaker on the Middle East and Official Development Assistance(ODA) and has written about the Middle East in the press. |