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Hanwha Aerospace
President 사장
정인섭은 1969년12월27일 대한민국 부산출생으로 1995년 대우그룹 김우중 회장의 수행비서로 기업에 근무하며, KPMG Consulting Financial Service부문 Senior Consultant, 한샘 인테리어 마케팅팀장, 직매장사업부장, 벽산그룹 회장비서실장, 이명박 대통령실 민정1비서관실 선임행정관을 거쳐서, 2013년부터 한화그룹에서 한화생명 해외사업담당 임원, 한화큐셀 고문, 한화에너지 대표이사를 거쳐서, 현재는 한화그룹이 인수하는 대우조선인수팀에서 일하고 있다. 베트남에서 일한 경험이 많으며, 베트남 신재생에너지 투자회사인 Greenegg를 통해 태양광발전소 투자와 베트남 커피체인인 Cong Caphe Korea를 운영하기도 했다.

Kevin Jung has a various experience in business and Public sector.
He started to work for Daewoo Group as an assistant for Chairman Kim Woo Choong who is a founder of Daewoo Group in 1995. He has worked for a different company in a different industry after Daewoo Group. He has focused on the South East Asia, especially Vietnam and Indonesia, since he started his career. He also has an experience in the Korean President Office. He joined the Hanwha Group as a senior vice president in Hanwha Life Insurance. He was in charge of Overseas Business Division in Hanwha Life Insurance. He was a CEO of Hanwha Energy which is a global renewable energy developer.