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LEE Hyekyeong
Korea Disabled People’s Development Institution
Department of Policy Research / Director 정책연구부장
이혜경은 직업재활 이학박사로 현재 한국장애인개발원 정책연구부장을 맡고 있다. 한국장애인복지학회 분과위원, 한국직업재활학회 이사(外 다수)를 역임하며 장애인 고용촉진, 직업재활, 차별금지 등 장애인 자립기반 확립 및 복지 향상을 위해 연구해왔다.
<장애정책의 이해>(2020, 정민사)의 공저로 장애정책의 국제적 동향에 대해 집필하였으며, 현재 장애포괄적 기후대응 정책 마련을 위한 연구에 참여하고 있다.

Lee, Hye-Kyeong is currently the Director of Policy Research at the Korea’s Disabled people’s Development Institute, with a Doctor of Rehabilitation Science degree. She serves as an expert member of the Korea Academy of Disability and Welfare as well as a director of the Korean Society of Vocational Rehabilitation. She has conducted research on promoting employment of people with disabilities, prohibition discrimination against people with disabilities establishing a foundation for independent living of people with disabilities, and improving welfare.

She co-authored the book "Understanding Disability Policy" (2020, Jeongminsa), which covers international trends in disability policy. She is currently participating in research on comprehensive climate adaptation policy for people with disabilities.