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AHN Choong-yong
Graduate School of International Studies, Chung-Ang University
중앙대학교 국제대학원
Distinguished Professor 석좌교수
안충영 교수는 현재 중앙대학교 국제대학원 석좌교수로 재직 중이다. 안교수의 주요 경력으로 대외경제정책연구원 원장, APEC 경제위원회 의장, 조흥은행 이사회 의장, 세계은행 컨설턴트, 말레이지아 수상실 공업화종합개발계획 UNIDO 연구단장, 한국국제경제학회 회장, 한국국제통상학회 회장, 교토대학 경제연구소 객원교수, 한국-인도 전략대화 공동의장, 동반성장위원회 위원장, 한국전력 이사회의장, 대통령위촉 외국인투자옴부즈만, 규제개혁위원회 민간위원장을 등을 역임했다. 매일경제 이코노미스트상과 일본 수상실 산하 총합연구개발연구소(NIRA)의 오키타 정책연구상을 수상했다. 안 교수는 동아시아 경제 발전과 통합문제에 대한 연구논문을 집중적으로 발표하였으며 근간 예정으로 영국 Routledge 간행의 South Korea and Foreign Direct Investment: Policy Dynamics and the Aftercare Ombudsman 등이 있다.

Dr. Ahn is currently a Distinguished Professor at the Graduate School of International Studies, Chung-Ang University. He served several academic and public posts such as the President of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Chair of the APEC Economic Committee, Chair of Board, Choheung Bank, consultant to the World Bank, UNIDO Chief Technical Advisor to the Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia to design Malaysia's industrial master plan, President of several academic societies in Korea including the Korea International Economics Association and Korean Association of Trade and Industry Studies. He was also a visiting professor to the Economic Research Institute of Kyoto University, Co-Chair of the Korea-India Strategic Dialogue (2012-2021), Chairman of Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership to induce voluntary collaborations between Korea’s big businesses and SMEs, and also Chairman of the Board, Korea Electric Power Corporation. He also served as presidentially appointed Foreign Investment Ombudsman, responsible for resolving grievances raised by multinational enterprises while doing their businesses in Korea, and Chairman of the Presidential Regulatory Reform Committee. Dr. Ahn’s honors include the Economist of the Year Award from the Maeil Business Daily Newspaper in Korea, the Okita Policy Research Award by the National Institute for Research Advancement, prime minister’s office in Japan. He has published extensively on East Asian development models and integration issues. His most recent book, South Korea and Foreign Direct Investment: Policy Dynamics and the Aftercare Ombudsman (Routledge) is coming soon.