THORLUND Ana Cristina | |
Programme Officer, Office for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training I
국제재해경감전략기구 동북아 사무소 교육훈련연수원 Programme Officer 담당관
Ana Cristina Thorlund joined UNISDR in 2005. She is now working at the UNISDR’s Global Education and Training Institute in South Korea. Prior to this assignment, she has led the Secretariat of the International Recovery Platform in Kobe, Japan and served in UNISDR for the parliamentarians and gender initiatives in Geneva. In this capacity, she has supported the engagement of members of parliament from Asia, African Europe and Latin America in disaster risk reduction and supported legislative efforts for the development of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management law of 2013 for EAC and the Latin American Parliament for the Protocol on Disaster Risk Management. Making disaster risk reduction gender-sensitive has been another area of her work, in which she contributed to the engagement of Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in disaster risk reduction and climate change. Ana Cristina holds a master of sciences from the University of Geneva and postgraduate certificate for the assessment and management of geological and climate related risk. Originally from Costa Rica, she is fluent in English, French, and Spanish.
<BR><BR>안나 크리스티나 톨룬드는 2005 년 UNISDR에 합류했으며 현재 한국에 위치한 UNISDR 동북아사무소에서 근무하고 있다. 그 전에는 일본 고베에 위치한 International Recovery Platform 사무국과 제네바 UNISDR에서 근무하며 아시아, 아프리카, 유럽 및 라틴아메리카 국회의원들을 지원하여 재난감소 입법활동에 기여했으며 성인지적 재난감소와 관련하여 재난감소와 기후변화에 대한 CEDAW (여성차별철폐협약) 관련 활동을 지원했다. |