YOON Suk Heun | |
Former Governor of Financial Supervisory Service
금융감독원 전 원장
서울대 경영학과 졸업 후 한국은행 행원으로 근무하다 해사 경영학교관으로 군복무를 마쳤다. 미국 산타클라라대에서 MBA, 노스웨스턴대에서 경영학 박사학위를 받았고 캐나다 맥길대에서 조교수로 재직했다. 귀국 후 금융연구원에서 선임연구위원으로 일했고, 한림대 및 숭실대 교수로 재직하면서 금융기관론, 재무론 등을 강의했다. 한국금융학회와 한국재무학회 회장, 국민경제자문회의 자문위원, 금융발전심의위원회와 금융행정혁신위원회 위원장 등을 역임했고 한국씨티은행, 한국거래소, ING생명 등에서 사외이사로 일했다. 제13대 금융감독원장을 역임했다.
Suk Heun Yoon is a Former Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Governor in Korea. Throughout his tenure, he emphasized the importance of consumer protection as well as supervisory independence. Before this, he had taught Finance at Hallym University, Soongsil University, and Seoul National University, all in Korea. Before that, he worked as a Senior Research Fellow for the Korea Institute of Finance. He also taught at McGill University in Canada after he had received a Ph.D. degree in Finance from Northwestern University and an MBA from Santa Clara University both in the USA. Dr. Yoon’s research interest lies in the areas of financial institutions, commercial banking, financial regulation, and supervisory structure. He has published numerous articles both in international and domestic journals such as the Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF), the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and the Journal of Money and Finance (in Korean). He is a recipient of the Iddo-Sarnat Best Paper Award jointly from the JBF and European Finance Association. He also received the Best Paper Award from Northern Finance Association and twice from the Korean Finance Association (KFA). He used to serve as President of the KFA and President of the Korea Money and Finance Association. |