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MOON Kyung-jong
Disaster Response Division Office, Jeju Special self-Governing Province
제주도청 재난대응과
Dr. Moon obtained his Ph. D. degree about Urban Planing & Civil Engineering from Busan University and took a Bachelor & Master’s degree from Han-yang University. He works in Disaster Response Division office which in Jeju Special-Governing Province. He is in charge of an ex-professor and lectures about Urban Planing, Regional development policy, Land policy and Disaster prevention safety in Jeju International University. He is a member of Korea concrete institute, The Korean Society of Cadastre, The Korean Regional Development Association and Korda Planing Association.
<BR><BR>문경종(文敬鍾․55세)은 한양대학교 학․석사를 졸업하고 부산대학교 도시공학과 공학박사(도시계획)학위를 받았다. 현재 제주특별자치도청 재직중인 공무원이며, 제주국제대학교 토목공학과 외래교수로 도시계획, 지역개발정책, 토지정책, 방재안전 등의 분야에서 강의하고 있다. 또한 대한국토․도시계획학회, 한국지역개발학회, 한국콘크리크학회, 한국지적학회 등 정회원으로 활동하고 있다.