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CHO Youn Soo
Northeast Asian History Foundation
Director of Foreign Relations and Historical Reconciliation 국제관계와 역사대화연구소장
일본 도호쿠대학(東北大学)에서 국제관계학 박사(2008년)을 받았다. 일본 게이오 대학 방문연구원(2016-2017)을 역임했다. 2008년부터 동북아역사재단에 근무하고 있다. 전공분야는 일본정치외교, 동아시아 국제관계이며 한일관계 및 한일외교사에 대한 실증분석에 관심을 집중하면서 연구하고 있다. 2015년 한일국교정상화 50주년을 맞이하여 한일관계 50년을 정리하는 프로젝트를 진행했다. 최근에는 한일회담관련 외교문서를 정리하여 발간했다. 논저로는『한일관계의 궤적과 역사인식』(공저, 2020), 『한일협정과 한일관계: 1965년 체제는 극복가능한가?』 (공저, 2019)등이 있다.

Youn Soo Cho received her Ph.D. in international relations from Tohoku University (2008) in Japan and served as a visiting researcher at Keio University in Japan (2016-2017). She has been researching at the Northeast Asian History Foundation since 2008. She specializes in Japanese politics and diplomacy, and international relations in East Asia, and her research has been focused on the empirical analysis of Korea-Japan relations and the diplomatic history of the two countries. In 2015, she led a project that put together the 50-year history of Korea-Japan relations in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of relations between the two countries. Recently, Cho compiled diplomatic documents related to the Korea-Japan Talks and published them as a book. Her publications include HanIl gwangye ui gwejeok gwa yeoksainsik [The trajectory of Korea-Japan relations and historical perception] (co-authored, 2020) and HanIl hyeopjeong gwa HanIl gwangye: 1965nyeon cheje neun geukbok ganeung hanga? [The Korea-Japan Treaty and Korea-Japan relations: Can we overcome the 1965 system?] (co-authored, 2019), among others.