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LEE Seokwoo
Inha University Law School
인하대학교 법학전문대학원
Professor 교수
이석우(李碩祐)는 현재 인하대학교 법학전문대학원 국제법 교수로 재직하고 있다. 고려대학교 법과대학을 졸업하고, 영국 옥스포드 대학(University of Oxford)에서 국제법 박사학위를 취득하였다. 대한국제법학회 부회장(2019), 국제이사(2010-2011)를 역임한 바 있으며, 현재 (사)아시아국제법발전연구회 (DILA-KOREA) 대표로서 영토분쟁, 해양법, 아시아지역 국제법 국가관행 분야의 국제공동연구 및 해외출판 사업에 매진하고 있다. 현재 BRILL에서 출간되는 Book Series: Maritime Cooperation in East Asia (MCEA); Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy (APJOLP); Asian Yearbook of International Law (ASIAN YBIL) 공동편집인을 맡고 있으며, Encyclopedia of Ocean Law and Policy in Asia-Pacific (EOLPA); Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (EPILA)(전3권) 편집대표를 맡고 있다.

Seokwoo LEE is Professor of International Law, Inha University Law School, Korea (2003-). He was Chairman of the Foundation for the Development of International Law in Asia (DILA) (2012-2017) and is Co-Chair of International Law Association (ILA) Study Group, Asian State Practice of Domestic Implementation of International Law (ASP-DIIL) (2018-2022). He was Vice President of the Korean Society of International Law (2019).

He is General Editor of Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (EPILA) and Encyclopedia of Ocean Law and Policy in Asia-Pacific (EOLPA), Co-Editor-in-Chief of Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy (APJOLP) and Asian Yearbook of International Law (Asian YBIL), Executive Editor of Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law (KJICL), Co-Series Editor of the book series entitled Maritime Cooperation in East Asia, and Associate Editor of Brill Research Perspectives in the Law of the Sea, all published by Brill.

He has authored more than 120 publications in English in addition to his more than 100 publications in Korean. He is a graduate of Korea University where he received his undergraduate law degree and then went on to receive Master of Laws degrees from Korea University, the University of Minnesota, and New York University, and finally his doctorate from Oxford University. In addition, he has completed the required coursework for his doctoral degree program in Modern and Contemporary Korean History at the Department of Korean History, Korea University.