GONG Min-Seok | |
Jeju National University
제주대학교 Assistant Professor 조교수
공민석 교수는 제주대학교 정치외교학과 조교수로 재직중이다. 서울대학교에서 학사, 석사, 박사를 취득했다. 미국 패권, 미국의 동아시아 전략, 동아시아 국제관계를 주로 연구해 왔다. 이런 연구주제들을 자본주의 세계체계 수준의 거시적이고 구조적인 변화와 결합하는 데 지적 관심이 있다.
GONG Min-Seok is a political scientist who is specialized in International Relations, particularly U.S. hegemony and U.S. strategy for East Asia. He is also interested in linking these themes with the dynamics of capitalist world-system. He graduated from Seoul National University, and got his MA degree and Ph. D. in political science at Seoul National University. He is now working as an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Jeju National University. He has published several articles and books on U.S.-China relations, dynamics of U.S. hegemony and its impact on the capitalist world-system and East Asian regional system. |