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KANG Kun-Hyung
Jeju National University
Honorary Professor 명예교수
강근형은 1954년생으로서, 제주대학교 명예교수이다. 제주대학교 정치외교학과에서 30년 이상 국제관계 분야 등을 강의했다. 사회과학대학장, 평화연구소장을 역임했다. 미국 미시간 대학, 일본 게이오대학에서 연구교수를 지냈다. 민주평통 제주평화통일포럼 운영위원장, 통일부 정책자문위원을 역임했다. 그리고 2018년부터 4년간 제주통일교육센터장을 맡아 제주지역의 통일교육의 활성화를 위해 많은 노력을 했다. 제주일보 논설위원으로도 활동 중이며, 저서로는 『미일관계의 정치경제』 (2003), 미국의 외교정책과 한미관계, 그리고 북한 핵 문제에 대한 다수의 연구논문이 있다.

Kun-Hyung Kang, born in 1954, is a honorary professor at Jeju National University. He lectured in the field of international relations for more than 30 years at the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Jeju National University. He served as Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Director of the Institute for Peace. He was a research professor at the University of Michigan, USA, and Keio University, Japan. He served as the chairman of the Jeju Peace and Unification Forum of the Minju Pyeongtong and a policy advisor to the Ministry of Unification. And as the head of the Jeju Unification Education Center for four years from 2018, he made great efforts to revitalize unification education in the Jeju region. He is also active as an editorial writer for the Jeju Ilbo, and his books include 『The Political Economy of US-Japan Relations』 (2003), US foreign policy and Korea-US relations, and numerous research papers on the North Korean nuclear issue.