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KANG Deok Bu
Jeju Institute for Korean Unification
Deputy Director 부원장
강덕부는 1952년 7월 12일 대한민국 제주 출생으로 34년간 제주중고등학교에서 정치,경제, 사회교과를 지도하였다. 특히 재직시 중고등학생들에게 통일교육에 대한 깊은 관심이 있어 ‘제주 중.고등학생 통일 퀴즈대회’ 프로그램을 개발(1998)하였으며, 남북화해협력시대에 부응하는 학교통일교육의 활성화를 위해 통일부가 실시한 ‘학교통일교육 우수사례공모’에서 통일부장관상(2000) 및 통일교육 우수자로 선정되어 대통령표창(2010)을 수상했다.
퇴임 후 재직시부터 위촉된 민주평화통일자문회의제주시협의회 자문위원으로 10년째 활동하고 있으며 통일부 사회통일강사, 제주통일미래연구원 부원장으로 활동하고 있다.

Kang Deok-boo was born on July 12, 1952, in Jeju, South Korea. He taught politics, economics, and social studies at Jeju middle·High School for 34 years. During his tenure, he had a deep interest in reunification education for high school students and developed the "Jeju middle·High School Reunification Quiz Contest" program in 1998. He was awarded the Minister of Unification Prize (2000) and the Presidential Commendation (2010) for being selected as an excellent individual in reunification education through the "School Reunification Education Best Practice Contest" conducted by the Ministry of Unification to promote the activation of reunification education in schools in response to the era of inter-Korean cooperation.
After retirement, he has been active for 10 years as a member of the Jeju City Council of the Peaceful Unification Advisory Council, which he was appointed to during his tenure, and as a social reunification lecturer for the Ministry of Unification and a Vice-President of the Jeju Institute for Korean Reunification