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KIM Hee-hyon
Vice Governor for Political Affairs of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
제주특별자치도 정무부지사
제주특별자치도 김희현 정무부지사는 1959년 대한민국 제주 서귀포시 출생으로 2010년부터 2022년까지 세 차례 제주특별자치도의회 의원을 지냈다. 제주대학교 경영대학원 관광개발학과 관광학 석사를 졸업, 박사과정을 수료했고 제주특별자치도관광협회 상근부회장, 제주관광공사 이사를 역임한 관광전문가이다. 도의원 재임기간 농수축지식산업위원회 위원장, 문화관광스포츠위원회 위원장, 도의회 부의장 등을 역임했고 의정활동 공로를 인정 받아 제10회 대한민국의정대상 최고의원상(2016), 제주특별자치도의회 의정대상 행정감사부분 우수 의원상 등을 수상했다.

Mr. Kim Hee-hyon is the vice governor of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. Born in 1959 in Seogwipo city of Jeju, he served as a three-term member of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Council from 2010 to 2022. He is an expert in the tourism sector having completed a doctoral program in tourism development at the Graduate School of Business Administration at Jeju National University and served as a full-time vice president of the Jeju Tourism Association and an executive director of Jeju Tourism Organization. During his term as a member of the provincial council, he took on roles as the chair of the Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock Industrial Committee, chair of Culture, Tourism, and Sports Committee, and vice-chair of the provincial council. Being recognized for his service, he received the best member award at the 2016 Korean Assembly Awards and an award of excellence in administrative audit at the Jeju Provincial Council Awards.