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SUL Jaehoon
Korea Transport Institute
한국 교통연구원
Emeritus Research Fellow 선임연구위원
Dr. Jaehoon Sul is an emeritus research fellow in the Korea Transport Institute, and he was former vice president of the Institute. His main research area is road safety policy and road safety engineering. He has carried out various road safety projects of Korea such as national transportation safety master plan, safety management system development and road safety strategy.
He graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering at Seoul National University, and completed his PhD in Traffic Engineering at the same university, and he had further study in the road safety area at the University College London as a visiting scholar.
After he entered in the Korea Transport Institute in 1987, he carried out many positions such as Director of Transport Safety, Director of Highway Research, Director of Transport Technology Research, Director of Transportation Safety and Highway, Vice president of the Institute. He worked as a special advisor at the Presidential Commission for National Competitiveness of President’s Office, and worked at the Safety Management Task Force of Prime Minister’s Office. He received the national medal from Korean government in 2006 for the contribution of the road accident reduction in Korea.
<BR><BR>한국교통연구원 명예연구위원(전 부원장)
설재훈(설재훈·61) 박사는 한국교통연구원의 명예연구위원이고, 전임 부원장이다. 그의 주요 연구분야는 도로안전정책 및 도로안전공학이다. 그는 한국의 국가교통안전기본계획 수립, 안전관리체계 개발, 도로안전전략 수립 등 다양한 도로안전 연구과제를 수행하였다.
그는 서울대학교 토목공학과를 졸업하고, 동 대학원에서 교통공학박사 학위를 취득한 후, 영국 런던대에서 방문교수로 도로안전 분야를 추가 연구하였다.
그는 1987년에 한국교통연구원에 들어온 이후 교통안전연구실장, 도로교통연구실장, 교통기술연구본부장, 교통안전도로본부장, 부원장 등을 역임하였다. 그는 재직 중 대통령 비서실 국가경쟁력강화기획단과 국무총리실 안전관리개선기획단에서 전문위원으로 파견근무하였다, 그는 한국의 도로교통사고 감소에 기여한 공로로 정부로부터 국민훈장을 수여받았다.