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Graduate School of International Studies at Yonsei University
연세대학교 국제학대학원
Professor 교수
존 델러리는 연세대 국제학대학원의 중국학 교수이다. Agents of Subversion: The Fate of John T. Downey and the CIA’s Covert War in China (Cornell University Press, 2022) 의 저자이자, Wealth and Power: China’s Long March to the Twenty-First Century (Random House, 2013)를 오빌 쉘과 공동집필하였다. 델러리 교수는 2023-24년 로마에 있는 아메리칸 아카데미에서 첫 Tsao Family Rome Prize 펠로우로 중국의 제국 사상에 관한 차기 저서를 집필할 예정이다.

2010년부터 연세대학교에서 근무하면서, 델러리 교수는 언더우드 국제학부 학부장과 연세대 오세아니아센터 소장을 겸임하고 있다. Asian Survey, Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of Cold War History, and Late Imperial China 등에 다수 논문을 실은 바 있으며, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, Washington Post 등에 기고 및 Global Asia 서평을 게재해 왔다. 또한 미국의 미-중관계위원회 공공지식펠로우, 아시아소사이어티 미-중관계센터 선임연구원, 태평양세기연구소 이사, 미국외교정책위원회 리더십 위원, 세종연구소 및 CSIS 비상근 펠로우를 맡고 있다. 델러리 교수는 미 외교협회, 전미북한위원회, 아시아연구학회, 미 역사협회, 미 외교관계 역사학자 소사이어티의 회원이다. 예일대학교에서 역사학 학사, 석사, 박사를 취득했다.

John Delury is Professor of Chinese Studies at Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) in Seoul, Korea. He is the author of Agents of Subversion: The Fate of John T. Downey and the CIA’s Covert War in China (Cornell University Press, 2022) and co-author with Orville Schell, of Wealth and Power: China’s Long March to the Twenty-first Century (Random House, 2013). He will be the inaugural Tsao Family Rome Prize fellow at the American Academy in Rome in 2023-24 working on his next book, on Chinese ideas of empire.

On faculty at Yonsei since 2010, Delury serves as Chair of International Studies at Yonsei’s Underwood International College (UIC) and founding Director of the Yonsei Center for Oceania Studies. His articles can be found in Asian Survey, Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of Cold War History, and Late Imperial China, and essays in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The New York Times, and Washington Post, and book reviews in Global Asia. John is a public intellectual fellow of the National Committee on US-China Relations, senior fellow of the Asia Society Center on U.S.-China Relations, board member of the Pacific Century Institute, leadership council member of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, and non-resident fellow at the Sejong Institute and CSIS. He is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, National Committee on North Korea, Association of Asian Studies, American Historical Association, and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. John received his BA, MA, and PhD in history from Yale University.