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MERLOS Estrella

Associate Director 부국장
Ms. Estrella Merlos joined UNITAR in May 2013 and is responsible for overseeing, coordinating and supporting the CIFAL Global Network comprised of 16 training centres. Additionally, she supports and oversees UNITAR’s affiliated International Training Centre for Corporate Opportunities (ITCCO) based in Belgium. Estrella is also charged with designing and developing capacity building programs for local authorities. Previously, Estrella served as President of UNITAR’s training centre in the United States, CIFAL Atlanta- working together with strategic partners, various UN agencies and donors, and leading the development and implementation of training programs. In November 2012, Estrella was appointed by UN Assistant Secretary-General Sally Fegan-Wyles as UNITAR Associated Fellow. Prior to joining CIFAL, Estrella worked as Chief Economist at the National Association of the Private Sector (ANEP) in El Salvador where she developed socio-economic policy proposals for government administrations. Her experience also includes humanitarian supplies management and mobilization of national and international aid following major disaster strikes such as the 2001 earthquakes in El Salvador. Estrella graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the Central American University José Simeón Cañas, and a Master in Public Administration (MPA) from Georgia State University. She was a Fulbright Scholar in the United States studying public policy, urban planning and economic development.
<BR><BR>에스트리아 멜로스는 2013 년 5 월 UNITAR에 입사하여 16 개의 CIFAL 글로벌 네트워크의 감독, 조정 및 지원을 담당하고 있으며 벨기에에 본사를 둔 UNITAR 산하의 ITCCO (International Opportunity Center for Corporate Opportunities)를 지원하고 있다. 에스트리아는 지방정부 프로그램을 기획하고 개발하는 업무를 담당하고 있다.