SUH Sung | |
WOOSUK University / East Asia Peace Institute
우석대학교 / 동아시아평화연구소 Director / Chair Professor 석좌교수 / 소장
서승 (徐 勝)은 1945년, 일본 교토에서 태어났다. 1968년 동경교육대학을 졸업하고, 서울대 대학원을 수료했다. 1998∼2011년 일본, 리츠메이칸대학 법학부교수, 코리아연구센터장을 거쳐 현재 한국의 우석대학교 석좌교수 및 동아시아평화연구소장을 맡고있다. 1994 ‘타다 요코 반권력인권상’, 2011 ‘진실의 힘 제1회 인권상’, 2013 ‘광주 어머니상’ 수상했으며, 저서로는 “평화로 가는 한국, 제국으로 가는 일본”, 경향신문출판부, 2020. “동아시아의 우흐가지-서승의 역사인문기행”1,2, 진인진, 2016. “Unbroken Spirits”, Rowman & Little Field Publishers, INC. 2001 등이 있다.
Suh Sung was born in 1945 in Kyoto, Japan. He graduated from Tokyo University of Education in 1968 and graduated from Seoul National University Graduate School. From 1998 to 2011, he was a professor of law at Ritsumeikan University in Japan and the head of the Korea Research Center, and is currently a chair professor at Wooseok University in Korea and the head of the East Asian Peace Research Institute. He won the 1994 "Tada Yoko Anti-Power Human Rights Award," 2011 "First Human Rights Award," 2013 "Gwangju Mother Award," and his books include "Korea to Peace, Japan to Empire," Kyunghyang Newspaper Press, 2020. "Uhgaji-Seoseung's History of East Asia," "Jin In-jin, 2016. "Unbroke Spirits," "Rowman & Little Field Publishers, INC. 2001." |