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SUNG Weon-Yong
Incheon National University
Professor 교수
성원용은 인천대학교 동북아국제통상학부의 러시아통상 주임교수이다. 1997년 러시아 상트페테르부르크국립대 경제학부에서 경제학 박사학위를 취득했으며, 한국교통연구원 책임연구원, 한국비교경제학회 회장, 대통령 직속 북방경제협력위원회 민간위원 등을 역임했다. 관심 분야는 동북아 초국경협력, 유라시아 경제통합 및 유라시아 교통물류 등이고, 주요 연구성과로는 “러시아의 신동방정책과 대유라시아주의”, Security and Cooperation in Northeast Asia: the Russian-South Korean Expert Joint Paper(공저), “푸틴주의와 러시아 국가자본주의: 역사적 기원과 현대적 변용” 등이 있다.

Weon-Yong Sung is Professor of School of Northeast Asian Studies, Incheon National University. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Saint Petersburg University, Russia, in 1997. He served as a research fellow of Korea Transport Institute, the president of the Korea Association for Comparative Economics, and a member of the ROK Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation. His research is mainly on cross-border cooperation in NEA region, Eurasian economic integration, and Eurasian transport and logistics network. He has authored or co-authored a number of journal articles and books on Russian economy and Korea-Russia economic relations including “Russia’s Turn to the East and Strategy for a Greater Eurasia”(2022); Security and Cooperation in Northeast Asia: the Russian-South Korean Expert Joint Paper(2015); “Putinism and State Capitalism in Russia: Historical Origins and Contemporary Transformation”(2014).