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LEE Young-guen
Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority
Commissioner 청장
Dr. Young-geun Lee, Commissioner of Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority, is a national traffic, airport expert, architectural engineering expert and free economic zone administrator. In August 2015, he became the fourth Commissioner of IFEZ.
Lee received a Ph.D. in Architecture Engineering from Seoul National University and graduated from Seoul National University. He was graduated Urban Engineering graduate school from the University of New Jersey, USA.
He joined the Ministry of Construction and Transportation through the 13th technical high official test; he started his career as a director of the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Director General of the Transportation Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Director General of Budget Administration Bureau, private investment planner Bureau of the Ministry of Planning and Budget. He was the Vice President of Incheon International Airport. He was a research professor at Stony Brook University of Korea, a visiting professor at Seoul National University, and a visiting professor at the Korea Aviation University. He is currently a Commissioner of IFEZ.
인천경제자유구역청(IFEZ) 청장
이영근(李靈根·63) 인천경제자유구역 청장은 전문 기술관료 출진으로 국토교통 및 공항전문가이자, 건축공학전문가이며 경제자유구역 행정가이다. 2015년 8월 IFEZ 제4대 청장으로 취임했다. 이 청장은 서울대학교 건축과 학사, 석사, 서울대학교 건축공학분야에서 박사학위를 받았고 미국 뉴저지 주립대 도시대학원을 수료하였다. 제13회 기술고등고시로 공직에 입문하여 건설교통부 교통시설국장, 광역교통국장, 기획예산처 예산관리국장, 민간투자기획관, 국토부 도시정책관, 기술안전정책관, 인천국제공항공사 부사장을 역임하고 한국 뉴욕주립대학교 연구교수, 서울대학교 공대 객원교수, 한국항공대 경영대학원 초빙교수를 거쳐 현재 인천경제자유구역청 청장으로 재직하고 있다.