YANG Wonchan | |
Kimmanduk Foundation
재단법인 김만덕재단 Chairman 이사장
양원찬박사는 재단법인 김만덕재단의 이사장이며, 정형외과 전문의(의학박사)이다. 대한민국 프로야구 최초의 팀 닥터(OB BEARS)로 활동했으며, 1988년 서울올림픽 대한민국 국가대표팀 주치의를 역임했다. 모교인 한양대학교총동문회 회장으로 활동하고, 재외제주도민회총연합회와 서울제주특별자치도민회 회장을 역임하며 재외제주도민들의 화합과 고향 제주의 발전에 기여했다. 특히, 2003년 사단법인 김만덕기념사업회를 주도적으로 설립해 나눔과 봉사문화 확산에 기여했으며, 현재는 재단법인 김만덕재단 이사장으로 활동하며 김만덕 정신을 세계화하는데 매진하고 있다.
Dr. Wonchan Yang is the Chairman of the Kim Man-duk Foundation. He is also an orthopedic surgeon(Ph.D.). He served as the team physician for OB BEARS for the first time in the history of Korean Professional Baseball. He also worked as the physician for Korea's national team during the 1988 Seoul Olympics. He served the president of the Alumni Association of his alma mater, Hanyang University. In addition, he made a signfinicant contribution to the solidarity of people of Jeju living ouside Jeju, and to the development of his hometown, Jeju by serving as the president of the Federation of the Associations of People of Jeju ouside, and the Association of People of Jeju in Seoul. In particular, he played a leading role in the establishment of the Kim Man-duk Memorial Project, and contributed to spreading the culture of sharing and volunteerism. Currently, he serves as the chairman of the board of the Kim Man-duk Foundation, and dedicates himself to promoting the spirit of Kim Man-duk around the globe. |