GOH Dooshim | |
Kimmanduk Foundation
재단법인 김만덕재단 Director 이사
재단법인 김만덕재단의 고두심이사는 올해로 데뷔 50주년을 맞은 대한민국의 국민배우이다. 방송 3사와 백상예술대상에서 모두 대상을 수상한 유일한 배우이며, '2020 대한민국 대중문화예술상'에서 은관문화훈장을 수훈하기도 했다. 제주 출생인 고두심이사는 바쁜 연기생활속에서도 고향 제주를 위한 활동과 김만덕 기념사업에 헌신해 왔다. 사단법인 김만덕기념사업회 대표이사로 재직하는 동안 어려운 이웃을 위한 나눔사업과 베트남 만덕학교 설립, 김만덕기념관 건립 사업에 큰 역할을 했다. 현재는 재단법인 김만덕재단 이사로 활발히 활동하고 있으며, 배우로서도 다양한 작품을 통해 대한민국 국민들과 함께 하고 있다.
Director Dooshim Goh of Kim Man-duk Foundation is a renowned Korean actress with 50 years of career. She is the only actress who has won the Best Actress Award from all three major broadcasting stations of Korea, and the Baeksang Arts Awards. She was awarded the Order of Cultural Merit Eun-Gwan at the 2020 Korea Popular Culture and Arts Awards. Born in Jeju, Director Dooshim Goh has involved herself in various activities for her hometown, Jeju, and has been active in commemorative projects for Kim Man-duk. While serving as the Chief Executive Officer of Kim Man-duk Memorial Foundation, she played a significant role in various charity projects for those in need. She was also instrumental in the establishment of Man-duk school in Vietnam, and the building of the Kim Man-duk Memorial Hall. Currently serving as the director of the Kim Man-duk Foundation, she is also Korea's beloved actress, starring in various films and TV series. |