YE Jongsuk | |
Hanyang University
한양대학교 Professor Emeritus 명예교수
예종석 교수는 1953년 12월 13일 출생으로 Indiana University에서 경제학 석사와 경영학 석사 및 경영학 박사를 받았다. 현재는 한양대 경영대학 명예교수이다. 비영리분야에서도 활발히 활동하여 사회복지공동모금회 회장, 아름다운재단 이사장 등을 역임했다. 기업과 관련해서는 제일모직, 두산 등 여러 기업의 사외이사로 역임한 바 있으며 한국소비자학회 회장, 한국미래전략학회 회장을 역임했다. 옥조근정훈장을 수훈하였으며 대한민국경영대상 학술공헌상을 수상하였다. 저서로 『노블레스 오블리주』, 『예종석 교수의 아주 특별한 경영수업』, 『희망경영』 등 다수가 있다.
Professor Jongsuk Ye was born on December 13, 1953, and received a master's degree in economics, a master's degree in business management, and a Ph.D. in business management from Indiana University. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at the School of Business, Hanyang University. He had also been active in the non-profit sector, served as the chairman of the Community Chest of Korea, and as the chairman of the board of the Beautiful Foundation. He had served as the non-executive director of various companies including Cheil Industries and Doosan, and served as president of the Korean Society of Consumer Studies and the Korean Society for Future Strategy. He was awarded the Order of Service Merit Aquamarine Stripes and won the Academic Contribution Award at the Korea Management Awards. He is the author of 'Noblesse Oblige' and 'A Very Special Lecture on Business Management by Professor Ye Jongsuk', and 'Business Management as Hopeful as It Gets' among others. |