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Department of Administration, Jilin University
중국길림대학 국제정치학과
Professor 교수
Dr. GUO Rui is a professor of Department of Administration, Jilin University. He was researcher of Peking University, Fudan University, Jilin University, Sun Yat-sen University, Ministry of Finance, the National Governance Collaborative Innovation Center. He also was researcher of the collaborative innovation center for territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and researcher of Fudan University, Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries. Dr. GUO obtained his Ph.D and M.A. degree from Jilin University. He has conducted research on international security, arms control, contemporary Chinese diplomacy, Korean peninsula issues, regional development and cooperation and cross-border public crisis management.
중국 길림대학 국제정치학과 교수
궈루이 교수는 현재 중국 길림대학 행정학원 국제정치학과 교수로 재직 중이다. 그는 이전에 북경대, 복단대, 길림대, 중산대에서 연구원 생활을 하였다. 궈루이 교수는 중국 길림대에서 석•박사 학위를 취득하였으며, 주요연구분야로는 국제안보, 무기통제, 현대중국외교, 한반도 문제 및 지역개발협력 등이 있다.