CHUNG Sang-ki | |
Center for Chinese Studies, KNDA
국립외교원 중국연구센터 Director 소장
Amb. Sang-ki CHUNG had been a career diplomat for 36 years. He had worked in the Korean Embassy in Taipei, Singapore, China, Japan, San Francisco (Consul-General), Korean Mission in Taipei (Representative). At home, he had worked as an Ambassador for Northeast Asian Regional Cooperation. He also had worked as Director of Northeast Division 2, Director-General of Asia and Pacific Affairs Bureau, Deputy Secretary of Protocol to the President of ROK, President of the National Institute for the International Education (Ministry of Education). Since he retired from Foreign service in June 2014, he has taught students in Konkuk University as a “distinguished professor”. In June 2015, he was appointed as a Director of Center for Chinese Studies, Korea National Diplomatic Academy, which is a subordinate office of Foreign Ministry.
<BR><BR>정상기 국립외교원 중국연구센터 소장 정상기(丁相基·64) 소장은 직업외교관 출신의 중국전문가이다. 2015년 6월 국립외교원 중국연구센터 소장으로 임명되었다. 정 소장은 건국대학교 정치외교학과에서 학사, 중국문화대학 대륙문제연구소에서 석사, 건국대학교 정치외교학과에서 박사학위를 받았다. 외교부 아시아•태평양국 국장, 주샌프란시스코 총영사, 국립국제교육원장, 주타이뻬이 한국대표를 거쳐 2014년 동북아협력대사를 역임했다. 현재 건국대학교 석좌교수, 동북아역사재단 이사를 겸직하고 있다. |