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SHIM Sangmin
Center for International Law, KNDA
국립외교원 국제법센터
Professor 교수
Sangmin Shim is assistant professor of international law at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA). Before joining KNDA in May 2016, he served as visiting scholar at Environmental Law Institute (ELI), a private think-tank that conducts research on issues of international environmental law. Professor Shim’s legal educational background includes a J.S.D. degree at Stanford University, which was awarded in 2015 with his dissertation entitled, “Structuring Climate Policy in the Korean Electricity Sector: Politics, Institutions and Mitigative Capacity-Building.” He also holds a J.S.M degree at the same university, and is a graduate of Seoul National University (B.A. & M.A. in law).
An expert on international environmental law and policy, Professor Shim is especially interested in global climate change issues, with a focus on designing economically viable, technologically feasible, and politically acceptable policy tools and strategies with significant emission reduction potentials. His academic interests extend to conventional international legal issues as well, such as peace and security in the United Nations system, law of the sea, nuclear non-proliferation, human rights in North Korea and state responsibility.
<BR><BR>심상민 국립외교원 조교수는 국제법 전문가이다. 2015년 스탠포드 대학교에서 한국 전력산업에서의 기후변화 법-정책 문제를 연구주제로 하여 법학박사 학위(JSD)를 취득하였으며, 미국 환경법연구소(ELI) 방문연구원으로 근무하며 대외원조기구 업무계획시 기후변화 문제의 주류화(mainstreaming), 천연자원 개발기업들의 사회적 책임 (corporate social responsibility) 이행의 일환으로서의 재단/기금 설립 등을 연구하였다. 2016년 국립외교원에서 근무를 개시한 이래 다양한 국제법 이슈에 관해 연구 및 정부 자문을 행하였으며, 기후변화, 국제평화와 안전보장, 해양법, 핵 비확산, 북한인권, 국가책임 등을 주요 연구분야로 삼고 있다.