Fudan University
푸단대학교 법대 Professor 교수
Prof. Lu is now the associate professor of Law at Fudan University School of Law, Ph.D of Law in International Relations, Executive vice director of The National Base for Human Rights Education and Training and Vice Director of The Center of Europe Studies, Fudan University. He was Guest Professor at Law School, Groningen University, Netherlands, Guest Professor at Law School, City University, Hong Kong, China. He is currently an Executive Member of Council of China Society of Human Rights Studies, a member of Council of China International Law Society, China Private International Law Society, and China International Economic Law Society, an Executive Member of Council of the Associate of European Law Studies of China Society of Europe Studies, a Vice Director of the Association of European law Studies of Shanghai Society. He is also an Arbitrator at Shenzhen Arbitration Commission, Jinhua Arbitration Commission, Zhejiang Province, and Foshan Arbitration Commission, Guangdong Province. He is licensed part-time lawyer at Pudong Law Office, Shanghai. His academic field mainly include public international law, international human rights law, international humanitarian law,international economic law, international private law, China Business Law and so on. His publications include books and papers in International Economic Law, Public International Law, Contemporary Practical Writing, China Foreign Economic and Trade Encyclopedia and so on. The papers were respectively on Journal of Law Review, Journal of Exploration and Contending, Yale-China Journal of American Studies, Journal of Science of Law, Human Rights, Journal of International Taxation.<BR><BR>루 교수는 푸단대학교 법학부 부교수이며, 국제관계학 박사, 국립인권교육∙연수기구 부소장 그리고 푸단대학교 유럽연구센터의 부소장을 맡고 있다. 그는 네덜랜드 Groningen 대학교 법학부, 홍콩 성시대 법학부의 초빙교수였고, 현재 중국 인권연구협의회, 중국국제사법학회, 중국국제경제법학회, 중국유럽연구회의 유럽법연구학회의 임원이며, 상하이 유럽법연구협회의 부디렉터를 맡고 있다. 그는 Zhejiang 지방의 Shenzhen 중재위원회, Jinhua 중재위원회, 그리고 Guangdong지방의 Foshan 중재위원회의 중재자이며, 상하이 푸동 법률사무실의 파트타임 변호사이다. 전문분야는 국제공법, 국제인권법, 국제인도법, 국제경제법, 국제사법, 중국 비즈니스법 등이고 국제경제법, 국제공법, 현대실용글쓰기, 중국대외경제와 무역백과사전 등의 관련 서적과 논문을 집필했다. 논문은 각각 Journal of Law Review, Journal of Exploration and Contending, Yale-China Journal of American Studies, Journal of Science of Law, Human Rights, Journal of International Taxation에 등재되어 있다.