SHIN Kak-Soo | |
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Center for International Law, KNDA
국립외교원 국제법센터 Director 소장
Ambassador Shin is Director of the Center for International Law of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy. During his diplomatic career, since he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1977, Ambassador Shin has held various positions including Director-General of the Treaties Bureau (2002-2004), Deputy Permanent Representative at the Korean Mission to the United Nations (2004-2006), Ambassador to the State of Israel (2006-2008), First Vice-Minister (2009-2011) and Second Vice-Minister (2008-2009) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ambassador to Japan (2011-2013). Currently, Ambassador Shin is an advisor to the Law Firm Shin & Kim. He is also a Korean member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, a board member of the Community Chest of Korea, and an advisor to the Citizen’s Alliance for North Korean Human Rights. Ambassador Shin graduated from the College of Law at Seoul National University and earned LL.M. and S.J.D. from the Graduate School of Law at Seoul National University. Ambassador Shin has written many articles on various issues in international law, Asian Affairs, international organizations and North Korea in academic journals.<BR><BR>신각수 대사는 국립외교원 국제법센터 소장이다. 197년 외교부에 입부한 이래, 조약국 국장(2002-2004), 주유엔대표부 차석대사(2004-2006), 주이스라엘 대사(2006-2008), 외교부 제 2차관(2008-2009), 제 1차관(2009-2011), 주일대사(2011-2013)를 역임하였다. 현재 법무법인 세종 고문, 상설중재재판소 중재재판관, 사회복지공동모금회 이사, 북한인권시민연합 고문으로도 활동하고 있다. 신각수 대사는 서울대학교 법과대학을 졸업하였고 서울대학교 대학원에서 석사 및 박사 학위를 취득했다. 그는 신문 및 학술저널에서 국제법, 아시아문제, 국제기구, 북한 등 다양한 외교안보 이슈를 주제로 활발한 활동을 하고 있다.