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MA Sang Yoon
Catholic University of Korea
Professor 교수
마상윤은 가톨릭대학교 교수로서 국제정치를 가르친다. 서울대학교 외교학과에서 학사 및 석사학위를 받았고, 스와이어 장학생으로 선발되어 옥스포드대학교에서 수학하면서 1960년대 한미관계를 연구하여 국제관계학 박사학위를 취득하였다. 2016년 9월부터 3년 간 외교부 정책기획관/외교전략기획관으로 근무하였으며, 통일부 정책자문위원도 역임했다. 한국국제정치학회 연구이사와 총무이사로 학계에서 봉사하였으며, 브루킹스연구소, 윌슨센터, 제주평화연구원, 스웨덴 ISDP 등에서 객원연구위원으로 활동하였다.

Sang-Yoon Ma is Professor of International Relations at the Catholic University of Korea. He studied IR for his B.A. and M.A. degrees at Seoul National University. Then, as a Swire Scholar, he continued his study at University of Oxford, where he received DPhil degree with his thesis analyzed ROK-U.S. relations during the 1960s.
From September 2016 to August 2019, Ma was Director-General for Strategy at the Foreign Ministry. He also was a member of the advisory committee of the Unification Ministry.
Professor Ma has a long list of activities in the academia. He served the Korean Association of International Studies as its Research and General Directors in 2013 and 2015. He also researched as a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, the Wilson Center(Washington D.C.), JPI(Jeju) and ISDP(Stockholm).