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Member of the House of Representatives
지역구: 군마 1구(2선)

중의원 의원 첫 선출(2017)
중의원 외무위원회 위원
중의원 법무위원회 위원
중의원 지방창생특별위원회 위원
중의원 동일본대지진재건특별위원회 위원
자민당 국회대책위원회 위원
자민당 청년국 부국장
자민당 재무금융조사회 부회장
중의원 의원 두 번째 선출(2021)
방위성 정무관(2021.11~2022.8)

Elected: 2(Constituency Gunma 1)

Elected as a member of the House of Representatives for the first time (2017)
Member, Committee on Foreign Affairs, HR
Member, Committee on Judicial Affairs, HR
Member, Special Committee on Regional Revitalization, HR
Member, Special Committee on Reconstruction after Great East Japan Earthquake, HR
Member, Diet Affairs Committee, LDP
Deputy Director-General, Youth Division, LDP
Deputy Director-General, Research Commission on the Finance and Banking Systems, LDP
Elected as a member of the House of Representatives for the second time (2021)
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defense (2021.11~2022.8)