CHUNG Jinsuk | |
The National Assembly of the ROK
대한민국 국회 Deputy Speaker of National Assembly 국회부의장
․ 제21대 국회 부의장
․ 제21대 국회의원(5선) ․ 한일의원연맹 회장 ․ (사)국회의원축구연맹 회장 ․ 前 국민의힘 6.1지방선거 공천관리위원장 ․ 前 국민의힘 4.7재보궐선거 공천관리위원장 ․ 前 새누리당 원내대표·당 대표 권한대행 ․ 前 국회 사무총장 ․ 前 청와대 대통령실 정무수석비서관 ․ 前 한국일보 기자(논설위원, 워싱턴 특파원) Deputy Speaker of the 21st National Assembly ․Member of the 21st National Assembly (2000-2004, 2005-2008, 2008-2012, 2016-2020, 2020-Present) ․President, Korea-Japan Parliamentarians’ Union, National Assembly ․President, Parliamentarians’ Football Union ․Former Chairman, Nomination Committee for the Local Election on June 1, 2022, People Power Party ․Former Chairman, Nomination Committee for the By-election on April 7, 2021, People Power Party ․Former Floor Leader & Acting Party Leader, Saenuri Party ․Former Secretary General, National Assembly Secretariat ․Former Senior Secretary to the President Lee Myung-bak for Political Affairs ․Former Reporter, Hankook Ilbo (Editorial writer & correspondent to Washington DC) |