JO Daeshik | |
Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation
국제개발협력민간협의회 Secretary-General 사무총장
조대식 총장은 KCOC(국제개발협력 민간협의회)의 사무총장을 맡고 있다. 그는 7개국에서 외교관으로 근무했으며, 캐나다 대사와 외교부 기획조정실장을 역임했다. 그는 34년간 공직 근무후 현재 민간의 비영리 시민사회영역에서 활동하고 있다. 사무총장직 이외에 정부와 민간의 10여개 기관의 자문위원, 외교부의 명예교수로 활동하고 있다.
Mr. Daeshik Jo is a Secretary-General of the KCOC(Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation. He is coordinating 140 NGOs with 4 million members in Korea. Before he joined civil society, he was a career diplomat. He served as Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Canada and Deputy Minister for Planning and Coordination of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). With a profound interest in poverty and development in developing countries, he has extensive experience in both public sector and CSO. He holds a Master’s degree in Sociology from USC (University of South Carolina, USA) and his B.A. in Sociology from Korea University. He is married with two sons. The ROK Government awarded him an Order of Service Merit twice, in 2008 and 2013. |