CHOI Myung-dong | |
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Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
제주특별자치도 Director General 국장
최명동 제주특별자치도 일자리경제통상국장은 지역내 일자리지원사업과 제조업 등 기업지원, 수출과 물류업무를 비롯한 창업지원업무를 총괄하고 있다. 제주지역은 관광서비스업과 1차산업 비중이 높고 상대적으로 제조업 등 기업비중이 저조한 실정이다. 그래서 향후 양질의 일자리 창출을 위한 창업촉진과 상장기업육성을 통한 2차산업을 활성화하여 산업구조를 고도화할 계획으로 업무을 추진하고 있다.
Myung-dong Choi, director general supervising the Department of Jobs, Economy and Trade Bureau in Jeju Self-governing Provincial office, is in charge of local-based employment projects, supporting of businesses in areas such as manufacturing, and start-ups including exportation and distribution. The major business sector of Jeju is taken by tourism and primary industries, resulting relatively low proportion of manufacturers and enterprise. Hence Myung-dong Choi thrives to encourage entrepreneurship to create diverse, high-quality working environment, and incubate listed companies to promote secondary industry, leading to advance industrial structure of Jeju. |