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AHN JiWhan
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Director, Carbon Mineralization Flagship Center 탄소광물 플래그십사업단 단장
한국지질자원연구원에 1988년 입사하여 현재 탄소광물화사업단 단장을 맡고있으며, 과학기술연합대학원(UST) 자원순환공학과 전임교수직을 맡고있다.
또한, 한국자원리싸이클링학회 고문(전 회장), 한국에너지 학회 및 한국자원공학회 부회장직을 겸임하고 있다.
주요 경력으로 이달의 과학자상(2004), 제 6회 올해의 여성과학기술자상(2006), 과학유공자 대통령표창(2013) ,기후변화대응협력유공자장관표창(2018) , 평창올림픽 환경 과학기술 유공자상 포장(2019), 제 9회 대한민국 교육기부 대상(2020), 기후변화대응 대표기술 10선 장관 표창(2021)등을 수상했다.

In 2004, she was awarded the "Scientist of the Month Award“ from the Minitstry of Science and ICT (MSIT) for the investigation of the mechanism of the global Aragonite Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) size and shape control Technology. she won "The 6th Female Scientist Award" (Engineering Field) from the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) in 2006.
In addition, in 2010, She won the "Best Basic Research Achievement and Technology Award" for research on recycling inorganic waste through carbonation of greenhouse gases, and in 2011, she was awarded "The 21st Science and Technology Best Paper Award" by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MS1T). She received the "Presidential citation for merit“ from the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) in 2013. In 2018, in recognition of the contribution of climate Technology to overseas cooperation, she was awarded the "Commendation for merit" from the Ministry of Ministry of Science and ICT (MSlT). Also, in 2019, she was awarded the 'Commendation for merit for contributing to environmental science technology by contributing to the success of the Environmental Olympics through pilot production as a representative technology for the application of eco-friendly paper, a global care technology for carbon mineralization.