KOH Choong-Suk | |
Jeju International University
제주국제대학교 President 총장
President Koh graduated from Public Administration in Yeonsei University and obtained Master and Doctorate Degree in the Graduate School of Public Administration in the same university. After taking positions such as Chief Manager in public administration department, Dean in Law school, President in Graduate School of Public Administration in Jeju National University and chairman of Jeju Development Institute, he has been in tenure of 1st president of Jeju International University followed by a career as the 7th President of Jeju National University. <BR><BR>고충석(高忠錫, 68) 제주국제대학교 총장은 연세대학교 행정학과를 졸업했고, 연세대학교 대학원 행정학과에서 석사, 박사학위를 받았다. 제주대학교 행정학과장, 법정대학장, 행정대학원 원장 및 제주발전연구원 원장 등을 역임했고, 제주대학교 제7대 총장을 거쳐 현재 제주국제대학교 제1대 총장으로 역임하고 있다.