LYEO Woon-ki | |
The Korea-Africa Foundation
한·아프리카재단 President 이사장
여운기 제2대 한·아프리카재단 이사장은 1990년 외교부에 입부한 이후 약 30년 간 외교관으로 근무하였다. 문화협력국, 외교안보정책실, 외교안보연구원, 아프리카중동국, 국립외교원뿐만 아니라 아일랜드, 싱가포르, 체코, 오스트리아, 카타르, 가나 등지에서도 근무하였으며, 공관장으로서는 주가나대사, 주아일랜드대사를 역임하였다. 특히 아프리카중동국 심의관 재직 시절, 對아프리카 외교의 내실화와 발전, 외교 협력 증진 등에 공헌한 바 있다.
여운기 이사장은 한국외대 독일어과를 졸업한 후 더블린대학교 대학원에서 유럽정치경제 석사학위를 취득하였다. Since joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1990, the president of the Korea-Africa Foundation, Lyeo Woon-ki, has spent 30 years as a diplomat, working back and forth between the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Korea’s diplomatic missions. First of all, he worked at the Cultural Cooperation Division, the Office of Policy Planning and International Organizations, the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, the African and Middle Eastern Affairs Bureau, and the Korea National Diplomatic Academy, as well as overseas missions in Ireland, Singapore, the Czech Republic, Austria, Qatar and Ghana. His recent roles include serving as an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Ireland and to the Ghana (Togo and Benin) and as a Deputy Director-General of the African and Middle Eastern Affairs Bureau, contributing to the development and promotion of diplomatic cooperation with African countries. The President, Lyeo Woon-ki, holds a Bachelor’s degree in German Studies from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea and a Master’s degree in European Economy & Politics from University College Dublin, Ireland. |