SON Pyong-Il | |
Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency
대한무역투자진흥공사 Senior Consultant 연구위원
KOTRA에 30년 넘게 근무하여 왔으며, 우리기업의 해외진출을 위한 현장에서 많은 경험을 쌓아왔음. 아프리카는 케냐의 무역관장을 역임하였으며, 2019-2022년 기간중에는 코트라 아프리카지역본부장을 맡아 우리기업의 사하라이남 아프리카 지역진출에 노력을 기울여 왔다. 특히 코트라가 담당하고 있는 산업투자부문 KSP사업을 정부로부터 처음 수임받아 사업을 확장하면서 최근에는 아프리카로의 EIPP(Economic Innovation Partnership Program)사업확대를 통한 우리기업의 투자진출과 SOC분야 진출을 위해 노력하였다.
The discussant, PYONG-IL SON, has lots of experiences in supporting Korean companies’s penetration to overseas market for working at Korea Trade&Investment Promotion Agency(KOTRA) more than 30 years. He has not only served as a Director General at Nairobi Kenya from 2014 to 2017, but also conducted as a Regional Head Officer of the Sub Saharan Africa between 2019 and 2022 to research, develop and participate in several projects which Korean companies are involved in. He has had a key role as a director when KOTRA took charge for Knowledge Sharing Program(KSP) in industry cooperation sector from Government and applied KSP to the field services. Such effort has been developed to Economic Innovation Partnership Program(EIPP) which KOTRA accepts an appointment from Government. He believes the ODA including EIPP can do main role that Korean companies take part in SOC and investment in Africa continent. |