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SUH Youngbae
Seoul National University
Professor 교수
Dr. Suh is currently Professor of College of Pharmacy and Natural Products Research Institute of Seoul National University, where he started his academic career as Assistant Professor in 1993. He teaches biology, plant taxonomy, medicinal plants and natural resources at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He also has actively carried out researches on examining phylogenetic relationships in flowering plants and identifying botanical origins of herbal medicines in Northeast Asian countries.

He is President of Korea National Committee for IUCN and also Chair of Advisory Board of International Cooperation of Ministry of Environment of Korea. He is a Lifetime Member of Korea Academy of Environment Science, elected in 2012. Currently, he is a Bureau member of IPBES elected for 2016 – 2019, and also a Councilor of IUCN elected for 2016 – 2020. Dr. Suh worked for Natural Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian Institution as a Research Scientist (1990-1993) after he earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin.

He has served at various committees related to biodiversity and environmental issues at both national and international levels. His service includes Co-chair of National Red List Committee of Korea (2012-2016), a Member of National Biodiversity Committee (2011-2015), National Committee of Borderland Development (2012–present), National Committee of Natural Monuments and Parks (2010-2012), Advisory Committee of Korea National Park Service (2008-2010), Advisory Committee of Jeju World Natural Heritage (2006-2010), Promotion Committee for Jeju World Natural Heritage (2004-2006), etc. He played a major role to host 2012 IUCN World Conservation Congress in Korea. He also contributed as a key author of the 5th Korea’s National Report and Korea’s National Biodiversity Strategy 2014-2018 submitted to CBD COP 12. From 2009 to 2015, he served as the Chair of Asia Regional Committee for IUCN for two terms. From 2013 to 2015, he served CBD SBSTTA as a Bureau Member.<BR><BR>서영배(徐榮倍, 61) 서울대학교 교수는 식물계통분류학을 전공하여, 미국 텍사스대학교에서 박사학위를 취득하였고, 미국 스미스소니언연구소에서 연구원으로 재직하였으며, 현재 서울대학교 약학대학 천연물과학연구소에서 교수로 재직하는 식물분류학, 식물자원 및 생물다양성 분야의 전문가이다. 국내외에서 생물다양성 및 환경 분야에 매우 활발하게 활동하여 오고 있으며, 현재, IUCN(세계자연보전연맹) 한국위원회 회장 및 본부이사를 역임하고 있으며, UNEP IPBES(국제생물다양성기구)의 의장단으로 활동하고 있다. 이외에도 현재 환경부 중앙환경정책위원회 국제분과위원장 및 환경한림원 정회원이기도 하다. 그 외에 IUCN 아시아지역위원회 의장, CBD(유엔셍물다양성협약) 과학기술자문부속기구 의장단 등을 역임한 바 있다.