PARK Kwang-Woo | |
Korean Association of Botanical Garden and Arboreta
(사)한국식물원수목원협회(KABGA) President 회장
Dr. Kwang-Woo, Park obtained his Ph.D. degree from Gyeongsang National University in 1987 and got a certificate of the professional engineer of landscape architect, 1995 and the forest professional engineer, 1998. He was director of Plant Conservation Division and Forest Biodiversity Division of National Arboretum(KNA) from January 2009 to February 2014. He became the 10th president of Korean Association of Botanical Garden and Arboreta(KABGA). He is a professor of College of BioNano Technology, Gachon University and CEO of Korea Forest and Landscape Environment Co. He has published 90 journal and 15 books, holds 30 patents. He is a fellow of the Arboretum Policy Advisory Committee and the Garden Policy Advisory Committee, Forest Service, the Architectural Advisor of Heavy Ion Accelerator, Institute for Basic Science(IBS), Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.<BR><BR>박광우(朴光禹·64) 한국식물원수목원협회 회장은 식물복원분야 전문가이다. 2015년 2월에 KABGA 제10대 회장으로 취임했다. 박회장은 1987년 국립경상대학 대학원에서 박사학위를 받았고, 1995년 조경기술사, 1998년 산림기술사 등 국가기술자격을 취득하였다. 산림청 국립수목원 산림보존과장, 산림조사과장을 역임하였다. 현재, 가천대 나노생명과학대학 교수, ㈜한국산림종합기술 대표이사, 산림청 수목원정책위원, 정원정책위원, 미래과학창조부 중이온가속기건축자문위원, 등을 역임하고 있다.